The Annual General Body Meeting of the PTA was held in the high school hall at 4pm. The PTA Executive Committee members and the teachers invoked God’s blessings through a prayer song. Mr Sunil Lobo, the PTA Secretary presented the Annual Report and statement of accounts of the year 2022-23. He also presented the budget for the year 2023-24. Both were passed in AGM.
The Chief Guests Rev. Fr Melwin Pinto S.J., Rector of our Institutions, Rev. Fr Gerald Furtado S.J. Headmaster and PTA President, Mr Lancy DSouza The Assistant Headmaster, Mr Donald Saldanha, Mr Francis Mascarenhas, Mrs Sheryl Prabhu,The Retired teachers, Mrs Irene Mascarenhas W/o Francis Mascarenhas, Mr Sunil Kumar Bajal PTA Vice-President were escorted to the dias by PTA Secretary, Mr Sunil Lobo. Retired staff members Mr Donald Saldanha, Mr Francis Mascarenhas, Mrs Sheryl Prabhu were felicitated by PTA executive members. Replying to the felicitation retired teachers shared their experiences serving in this prestigious institution and reminiscences to the gathering.
Mr Sunil Lobo announced the names of the new Executive Committee members and the Headmaster announced the name of the new PTA Vice-President Mr Santhosh Kumar. Mr Sunil Kumar Bajal the outgoing Vice-president was felicitated by the guests on the dais. It was carried out by Mrs Jasmine Dsouza. Replying to the felicitation Mr Sunil Kumar Bajal expressed gratitude to Headmaster, teachers and P.T.A. members for their support and co-operation. Outgoing PTA Executive members were honoured by the Headmaster.
Top scorers in the SSLC examination 2022-23 were honoured. Top scorer Miss Preeti Ravi Rathod from Kannada Medium, Miss Vival Riva DSouza from English Medium shared their Experience in the school. Addressing the gathering Headmaster thanked the retiring staff members for their selfless service and dedication in serving this institution, congratulated all the SSLC top Scorers & their parents and also expressed his gratitude to all the PTA members and parents for their co-operation and constant support.
Rev. Fr Melwin Pinto S.J. in his message told the parents firstly, emotional quatiant is very important to be developed among our children. Secondly spiritual quotient to build the world of spiritual harmony.
The entire programme was anchored by Mrs Lenissa Pinto. Mr Sunil Kumar Bajal welcomed the gathering. Vote of thanks was given by Mr Santhosh Kumar. The Progaramme Ended with a National Anthem.