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IRIS Programme

Science & IT club of our school jointly organized a programme on 3rd of July to give brief information on the IRIS (Initiative for Research & Innovation in Science) science academy.  Mr. Harish R. Bhat; Scientist in the Ecological Science, Bangalore and Mrs. Anna Murugan the chief co-ordinator of IRIS were resource persons for the session.

Mrs. Anna Murugan given some glimpse of how to go about, explained rules, eligibility and how to process with our science models.  Mr. Hraish R. Bhat explained about how the science is useful and the opportunities that we encounter in showing our unique ideas.   This helped the students to analyze with different ideas in making science models.

Master Shivaprasad and Ms. Samana Upadaya student of I BSc, St. Aloysius College, participants of IRIS national level competition shared experience of their project.  Students and teachers participated in this session with full of interest and interaction with resource persons.

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