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Environment Day

To spread awareness among the students about saving our environment from various types of pollution and to plant more saplings to protect it,‘Aworld environment‘day was celebrated on 5th June 2023. Mr Jeet MilanRoache, the environmentalist,Rev. Fr. Gerald Furtado SJ the Headmaster, Mr Lancy D’Souza assistant Headmaster were present for the celebration.

God’s presence was invoked through a prayer song.To mark the significance of the day a sapling was planted symbolically by the dignitaries on the Dias. Master Aditya of 9E2 spoke on the importance of environment day. Sapling were distributed to the students. Addressing students Mr Jeet Roache requested the students to plant and protect many trees and to be eco-friendly to ensure sustainable growth. Headmaster spoke on the importance of protecting the environment.

The beautiful message of reduce, reuse, recycle was conveyed by our students through a wonderful dance. Miss Ayisha Aflah Ismail compered the programme, Miss Nidhi welcomed the gathering. Master Vivaan K. Attavar proposed vote of thanks. The entire program was well organised under the guidance of Mrs Edna Mascarenhas and Miss Ivy Anjali D’Souza the teacher in charge of Eco club of our school. The program ended with national anthem.

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